The Role of Self in Psychotherapy: The Power of Vulnerability

With Brandy P. Klingman, LCSW, BACS | September 24, 2019 12:00PM CDT

There has been a history of therapists being taught that there ‘should’ be a great separation of self in a therapy session and that self-disclosure is not appropriate. In this webinar, we will be discussing the role of self in the psychotherapeutic session. We will review the ethics around the use of self and the potential benefits of the use of self. This session will discuss the power of vulnerability as it relates to the therapist role in session either group, family, or individual. We will review the literature around self-disclosure and joining in the session.

Upon completion of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify and define self-disclosure and use of self as therapeutic interventions
  • Discuss benefits and potential consequences of use of self
  • Discuss how this relates to vulnerability in the therapist’s life

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