Company Statement of Ethics

The mission, vision, values and purpose statements of Foundations Recovery Network (FRN) provide a framework for operations and decision-making within our company. FRN serves a wide array of customer groups and stakeholders. Any time a decision within the company creates a conflict of interest (competing interests with varying outcomes where one party benefits at the expense of another) between stakeholders or customers of the company, we face an ethical dilemma. When this dilemma occurs, we commit to the following principles.

1. Facts Matter.

We commit to be as fully informed as possible with all relevant facts, to not make emotional or impulsive decisions and to weigh the impact of our decisions on all parties involved.

2. Seek Wise Counsel.

We will seek counsel outside ourselves when appropriate (advocates, other professionals, legal counsel and others) to get a broader perspective on the issue when time allows and when appropriate, particularly if the decision affects a larger group of customers.

3. Patient Care First.

If or when a conflict of interest occurs, we will always keep enhanced patient care and safety as the primary objective.

4. Non-Retaliation.

We passionately want to know what we don’t know. Mistakes happen, and business practices within a company are not always visible at the levels of leadership and decision-making necessary to rapidly effect change. We sincerely invite employees and any other stakeholders that witness a practice they consider unethical to email or call the corporate compliance confidential hotline (1-800-852-3449; [email protected]) to report their concern. We cannot fix what we do not know about. Please share your concerns with complete assurance that you will experience no negative consequences.

5. Stewardship.

We recognize that the gifts we are given by our stakeholders include a large measure of trust and goodwill. We deeply respect these gifts and wish to be good stewards of them. We believe company success cannot be achieved in a vacuum, so we must make wise choices with the resources we are given. In so doing, we hope to preserve and grow our reputation for deserving these gifts. (See our marketing statement of ethics for some specific practices.) Resources include the following: family and patient care choices; reimbursements; state, federal and local licensing and other regulatory accreditations; investments such as capital needed for growth and improvements; our employees’ time and energy; and the regard of our neighbors and the communities we serve.

6. Results

While FRN is a for-profit company, financial results are not the only metric by which we measure success. We are equally committed to demonstrating clinical results backed by evidence and outcomes. We want to give patients and families what they are seeking. If they find help with us, we will do all within our power and resources to give them their desired outcome. If they cannot be served by us, we will provide an appropriate referral or other guidance to get them what they seek. We have invested in a research and outcomes framework to monitor, improve and publish for public review how we are fulfilling this commitment.

Accredited, Certified and, Most of All, Trusted


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