Spiritual Anatomy of Transformation

With Henry Rojas | April 26, 2017 12:00AM CDT

God is not the big man upstairs or the supreme being as if a super human. He is not the love child of Santa Clause and a cosmic social worker creepily watching if you’ve been bad or good, nor is He waiting to be summoned for an emotional intervention during desperation. God is always with you. You belong even on your worst day. God is not disappointed in you when you relapse, He is disappointed with you in your disappointment. How do the spiritually abused discover God once again and fire the old God that haunts their memories. What is a spiritual awakening and how can it be engaged in the dark nights of our soul; The moments when we want to use, drink or return to what is most familiar? How can we better assist those turned off by the term God discover a more functional compassionate higher power without abandoning the Divine. The spiritual anatomy of transformation, for long lasting recovery, has been Henry Rojas’s passion in his work as a spiritual director for over twenty years. Recognized for his work alongside therapists at Remuda Ranch from 2003 to 2008, pastoral consultant to churches and non-profits and now three years at Calvary Addiction Recovery Center, Henry brings this thoughtful, inclusive and powerful spiritual model for relapse prevention in this presentation.

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