Christian Small, MD

Christian Small, MD is board-certified in addiction psychiatry, general psychiatry, and family medicine. He is one of a handful of doctors in the U.S. who have the experience and training to treat full-spectrum medical and psychiatric illness. Dr. Small has become a leader in delivering evidenced-based addiction practices, medical and psychiatric care to addiction treatment programs in California. He is passionate about improving the standards of care in the substance treatment industry. He is the founder of Headlands Addiction Treatment Services and co-founder of Bold Health, an innovative outpatient addiction treatment program in Encinitas, California. Dr. Small was previously employed by the Veterans Administration in La Jolla, California as an addiction psychiatrist and at the University of California San Diego (USCD). He is a graduate of the University of Hawaii – John A. Burns School of Medicine and completed a residency in psychiatry and family medicine at UCSD.

Accredited, Certified and, Most of All, Trusted


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